Publicación digital

Recommender System based on linked Data.

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Linked Data principles have led to semantically interlink and connect different resourcesat data level regardless the structure, authoring, location etc. Data available on the Web using Linked Data has resulted in a global data space called the Web of Data. Moreover, thanks to the efforts of the scientific community and the W3C Linked Open Data (LOD) project, more and more data have been published on the Web of Data, helping its growth and evolution. This book studies Recommender Systems that use LInked Data as a source for generating recommendations exploiting the large amount of available resources and the relationships between them. Firts, a comprehensive state of the art is preseted in order to indetify and study frameworks and algorithms for RS that rely on Linked Data. Second a framework named AlLied taht makes available implementations of the most used algortihms for resource recommendation based on Linked Data is described. This framework is inteded to use and test the recommendation algorithms in various domains and contexts, and to analyze their behavior under different conditions. Accordingly the framework is suitable to compare the results of these algorithms both in performance and relevance, and to enable the development of innovative applications on top of it.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2019

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